The original purpose of this investigation was to probe deeply into the
symbolism of five Chinese characters, those characters that symbolize the first five numbers (). These characters symbolize ancient Chinese finger signs.
What were discovered in these finger signs are patterns. These patterns demonstrate that there is order in the universe. Each of the five patterns symbolizes one stage in a cycle. The universe evolves according to one cycle, one pattern, and all evolution in the universe follows the same cyclic pattern.
Just as mankind is evolving as a species, the entire universe is evolving. Just as with the life of each person, the universe is born, it grows, it declines, and it dies, and it contains the seed of its own perpetuation.
Language is what has enabled mankind to become aware of the pattern of nature. This awareness is called 'consciousness'. Homo Sapiens did not become fully conscious all at once, but in incremental stages, which are known as 'dimensions'. Modern languages reflect mankind's evolution to the awareness of each of FIVE dimensions, such that mankind currently lives in a world of linguistic awareness of five dimensions of space. The existence of each of these dimensions of space can be comprehended by the mind only in relation to a simultaneous awareness of the existence of a corresponding dimension of time. In other words, space and time are understood by the mind in terms of five dimensions of 'space-time'.
As mankind evolved to the awareness of each succeeding dimension of nature, language evolved to express that awareness. The stages in the evolution of mankind, the stages in the evolution of the universe, can be traced through the stages in the evolution of the languages of mankind.
As mankind evolved to the awareness of succeeding dimensions in the homeland of Homo Sapiens in Africa, small groups continuously migrated out of Africa and around the world. Each group took with it a language that expressed the current dimensions of awareness. Whereas the languages of all such groups continued to evolve as their speakers became aware of succeeding dimensions, the grammar of each language remained 'oriented' in a fundamental and primary way to the number of dimensions of which the original speakers were aware at the very moment that they left Africa.
The dimension of consciousness that could be expressed in the language that each group of people took with them at the moment that they left Africa became their 'primary' dimension of orientation to the world. All modern people are now aware of all five dimensions (at least at the subconscious level). As each language evolved into its modern form, awareness of each subsequent dimension was incorporated into every aspect of the grammar in a manner that was consistent with the primary dimension of orientation, rather than being integrated into the grammar to form a new primary dimension of orientation, as continued to occur with languages in the homeland in Africa.
The ancestors of the modern speakers of Chinese left Africa when Homo Sapiens first became sapient; mankind was conscious, but only of the first dimension. The Chinese language then had to superimpose its understanding of each succeeding dimension onto the first. In the homeland of Homo Sapiens in Africa, all five dimensions of awareness became integrated into a single pattern of nature. The ancestors of the speakers of English left Africa when mankind was aware of four dimensions, and these four were integrated into a single pattern, although the fifth dimension, of which they became aware after they left Africa, was not integrated.
Because none of the dimensions are integrated in Chinese, and because each dimension is therefore distinct from each of the others, Chinese provides the best evidence that enables understanding of each of the stages in the evolution of consciousness in mankind. The nature of the English language, the nature of the 'reality' of speakers of English, is explored by comparison of its similarities and differences with the nature of the Chinese language.
The pattern of grammar of each modern language, the pattern of differences in grammar among languages, the pattern of cultural development, the pattern of human evolution, the pattern of evolution of the solar system, etc., all follow the five dimensional pattern of the universe.
Mankind symbolizes the dimensions of time and space on the fingers. Symbolic finger signs are what enable each person to become conscious of the pattern of the universe. Part I of this book demonstrates the finger signs that speakers of English use to symbolize each dimension, in comparison to the finger signs that are used by speakers of Chinese.
The evolution of finger signs for each dimension is demonstrated to parallel the development of language grammar, cultural development, physical and mental development, and other fundamental differences between English and Chinese.
Once the pattern of language and the development of consciousness in mankind has been introduced, the pattern will be expanded in Part II to demonstrate that human instincts, human behavior, human emotions, and even the physical characteristics of the male and female sexual organs follow this same pattern, the pattern of the universe.
On the basis of the pattern, it becomes understandable as natural how and why speakers of English, unlike speakers of Chinese, have developed a 'science' and a 'religion' to symbolize their understanding of nature. Science and religion are two symmetrical expressions of understanding of the same one pattern of nature.
In Part III, the physics of the five dimensional universe is explored. A modern, powerful, integrated, five dimensional model of time, space, light, and gravity is presented. The 'four forces' of physics are unified into one force, which follows the one pattern of the universe.
Mankind is able to be conscious of the universe because the universe itself is conscious. Mankind is conscious of the consciousness that is the universe.
Notes To The Reader
This book presents a large number of details to support the theory that is presented herein. It is not advisable, particularly when reading this book for the first time, to spend so much time trying to remember the specific details that it interrupts a smooth understanding of the general flow of the book. In other words, it is not as valuable for readers to concentrate on the specific details in the book as it is to allow their mind to become aware of the pattern that is demonstrated to permeate all aspects of human awareness and existence.
Readers should not only look at the pictures of the different fingers signs, but should physically make the signs with their arms and hands, in order to be able to demonstrate for themselves that these patterns are 'natural', and that they well symbolize their own physical, mental, cultural, grammatical, and spiritual understanding of nature.
Throughout this book, the word 'mankind' will be used to refer to the individuals of the species Homo Sapiens. The pronouns 'he' and 'his' will be used in conjunction with the word 'mankind'. These pronouns are meant as singular forms of 'they' and 'their', and not as masculine forms of 'she' and 'her'.
The words 'I', 'me', and 'my' are also used frequently, and are usually enclosed within quotation marks. These words are intended to symbolize the personal perspective of the reader and of each individual person.
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