Chapter 3 Cycle Of Human Life

How does the life of each person follow the pattern of the cycle as symbolized by the moon and the sun? When a human sperm fertilizes a human egg, the Yang of the father joins with the Yin of the mother. Of course, there is always Yang within Yin and there is always Yin within Yang, and so both parents contribute both Yang and Yin. In one relationship, the Yang of the father has a Yang relationship to the Yin of the mother. In another relationship, the fertilized egg represents a finite amount of Yin, which has evolved in the parents from the Yang with which they were born, and which is ready to evolve into the Yang of a new life.

Each person, each moon, each cycle, each 'life' in the universe, is born with a finite amount of space-time. Each fertilized egg contains a finite amount of space, which will pass through a finite amount of time. No two people are born with the exact same size or shape of 'moon of life'. As well, no two people, once born, evolve through life at the exact same rate of motion.

People are born with a finite amount of space and with a finite amount of time. The atoms in people's bodies are in constant motion. The space of the body is in constant motion over time. Once all of the space of a cycle has passed through all of its time, the life will die, and the cycle will end.

Each person is a 'unit' of space-time. When a new life is born, all of the time of its entire life lies ahead of it. The single cell fertilized egg has not yet passed through any of its time.

Because the egg has as yet passed through none of its time, it will devote almost all of its energy, its motion, to motion through space, and will devote almost none of its energy of motion to motion through time. Motion in space (motion in space = Yang) is stillness in time, and motion in time is stillness in space (stillness in space = Yin). Therefore, the one cell egg begins to change in space at its maximum rate of change throughout life.

An egg that has just been fertilized subdivides at an amazing rate. Its first subdivision doubles its size. After each subdivision, it will never again will it be able to change so much in space in such a brief amount of time.

The reason is that in order to be in motion through space, in order to change in space, in order for the single cell of the egg to subdivide and double in size in space, it requires time. The person-to-be no longer has his entire life ahead of him. Some of his life is now in the past. He no longer has as much energy to devote to motion (change) in space, as some of this energy of motion through space, some of his Yang, has evolved into time (Yin). Some of his space has passed through some of his time. The next cell division, the next change in space, will be a little slower than before, as some of the energy of motion through space is no longer available, as it has evolved into Yin by passing (evolving) though time.

Motion through space causes stillness in time. As the person ages, as his Yang evolves into Yin, his motion in space will evolve into motion through time, and motion through time becomes stillness in space. The more that a person passes through time, the slower that person's body will thereafter change in space. The bodies of children change at tremendous rate, as they grow taller, heavier, etc. The bodies of adults changes more slowly, and eventually cease to add height, although they can still increase in weight. The bodies of elderly people change the least over time.

Finally, a point in time will come when the body changes no more. There is no more motion of the body in space, and there is no more time for it to move. The person dies.

The life of a person is like the life of the moon. The Yin that a person inherits from his parents in the fertilized egg immediately begins to evolve into Yang, or change in space. In the first phase of life, Yin is still greater, but Yang is increasing. This phase is called Yang within Yin. In the second phase, all (never really 'all') of the Yin from the parents evolves into Yang. This is the phase of Yang within Yang. The person is at the zenith of his life and strength. Immediately, this zenith begins a decline, and the third phase is Yin within Yang. Finally, the fourth phase, Yin within Yin, as all of the Yang evolves into Yin, all of the space passes through all of the time, and the person dies. Before each person dies, it is possible to perpetuate by contributing Yin to a new life, which will be the source of the Yang for the new life. In this way, each generation has Yin that is more evolved than the Yin of the last generation, as the Yin has evolved through more time, and through more cycles of life, as the Yang of the parents is now added to the mix of genes. In this way, the culture as a whole evolves, as it contains the Yang of greater evolution through time.

3.1 Cycle Of Human Awareness

The cycle of the life of each person begins as a baby, evolves into adulthood, and ends in old age. During the entire life, the balance of time and space, the balance of Yang and Yin, is constantly evolving. As people evolve (age) through the cycle of their life, the way that they relate to time and space, the way that they are aware of time and space, the way that they recognize changes in time and space, evolves according to the same pattern. The evolution of a person's awareness of changes in time and space follows the pattern of evolution of all cycles of nature.

As well as physical evolution, each person also evolves mentally throughout life. The more experiences that a person has in life, in other words the more time through which a person has passed, the more that life will have evolved. However, quality (diversity) is important as well as quantity (amount). The more different people with whom a person interacts, the more different cultures with which a person interacts, the more different ideas to which a person is exposed, the more that that individual consciousness will evolve. The greater the diversity in a person's experience, the more the mind of that person, of the universe as a whole, will evolve.

The cycle of awareness of space-time during the evolution of each person's life follows the same cycle of awareness of the species Homo Sapiens during its evolution throughout its life. However, the species has more initial Yang and Yin than each individual. The species was born with greater rate of motion through space (Yang), and with a corresponding much slower rate of motion through time (Yin). Therefore, the species as a whole evolves in the same pattern as each person, but much more slowly than each person within the species, and so will have a much longer 'life'.

When a baby is born, he is aware of the first dimension. It is aware of existence, but that is all. The baby has passed through little time, and has changed little in space, and so it is not very aware of either time or space.

When the species Homo Sapiens was born, it was aware of the first dimension. It was aware of existence, but that was all. Mankind had passed through little time, and had changed little in space (relatively speaking), and so it was not very aware of either time or space.

The first dimension is symbolized by the point, the point in space and the point in time. A baby, a species, that is aware of only the first dimension is aware of only what is happening at one point in space, right here, and at one point in time, right now.

There is only right here and right now for a baby, because this is the only time that he has ever known. He has no past, and so cannot be aware of the past, let alone be aware of a future. Because he has no past, he has little ability to understand the present. The only existence of which he can be aware is right here and right now. Nothing that he sees reminds him of something that he saw before, because for him there was no 'before'. There is only now.

When a baby is born, he has little knowledge of space or time. A baby has as yet changed little in space (relative to how much he will change in the future), and so he has passed through little time. His life is at this time at its maximum rate of motion through space (motion in space = Yang) and at its minimum rate of motion through time (stillness in space = Yin). By the time the person dies of old age, all of his motion through space will have evolved into motion through time, and all of his potential for Yang of birth will have evolved into Yin. The new moon is almost totally Yin (dark), and so there is as yet little Yang (light) that can evolve into Yin, and so babies age at the minimum rate in their entire life. Babies are undergoing their maximum rate of change in space, the maximum growth of Yang, of their life. Therefore, it is natural that babies will be at the maximum awareness of space and at their minimum awareness of time in their lives.

A baby will be aware of things in space at the moment in time that they are in front of him, but he will have little awareness of what he saw at any time other than now. His sensory input of space in the present is all that he knows about each thing that he encounters. He cannot draw on a previous 'time' (Yin) to help him to understand what he is seeing now (Yang). Therefore, all of the baby's awareness of an object will be awareness of the space that is occupied by that object now. There will be no awareness of any change in that object since the last time. A baby is born with maximum awareness of space (the present, Yang), and with minimum awareness of time (the past, Yin). A baby has had little time to become familiar with space, and so what he can learn from another object in space is all that he can know about that object. In the first stage in the life of a child, he is aware only of the first dimension. He is aware of space, but he is not aware of time. He cannot be aware of changes in the object over time, because he has passed through too little time to understand what time is.

When the child becomes aware of the second dimension, he realizes that there is time as well as space. It is now possible for him to understand something about an object that is in front of him other than by what he sees at that point in time (the present). He can remember that he saw something 'before', in the past. The baby is now aware of Yin (motion through time) and its distinction from Yang (motion through space).

When a child that is aware of the second dimension sees an object, he is not as fully aware of the space in front of him as he was before. Just as some of his space has evolved through some of his time, just as some of his present has evolved into his past, some of his awareness of space has evolved into awareness of time. What does this mean? It means that when a baby sees something in space, he is aware that he has seen it before, in the past. Newborn babies do not know what anything is. Children learn that 'food' is to be 'eaten', etc. How does a child know that the object in front of him here, now, is to be eaten? The child is aware of his past. As the past (Yin) of a child increases, his awareness of the past (motion in time = stillness in space = Yin) increases, his awareness of the present (Yang), his awareness of changes in space (Yang), decreases. When a child sees an object, he realizes that it is food because he has eaten food before. Therefore, when he observes the object, he is aware of his past, to the degree that he has a past, and is correspondingly less aware of the object in front of him.

The first unit of time of which the baby becomes aware is the day, the now, in the first dimension of awareness. As he continues to pass through days, he comes to realize that the here and now is not all that there is to existence, but that there was a before, a past. The baby still does not have much of a past, and at first he is only aware of something that existed yesterday, one day in the past. As the days go by, and as his past increases, he begins to be aware of progressively more days into the past.

The species Homo Sapiens as well, at some point in time, realized that each period of light (Yang) is part of a cycle with night (Yin). Mankind became aware that there was also one period of light 'before'. It took mankind a relatively long time to progressively realize that there were other days before that. The species and the individual follow the same pattern, but do not pass through time at the same rate.

As a child passes through more days, he becomes aware of increasing numbers of days into the past. His next major discovery is that there is a future as well as a past. He was not aware of both at the same time, in the second dimension, but only with awareness of the third dimension is he aware that there will continue to be days in the future. There will be tomorrows as well as yesterdays.

The child still only thinks in terms of days, but now he can think of days in his past and he can imagine days in the future, which will be like days in his past. Now when the child sees an object in the present, even more of his awareness is of his past, or of his future, and less of his awareness is of the present, of the here and the now. The child's awareness of each object becomes influenced by a greater proportion of what he has experienced before (in the past in time) and less on what he is experiencing now (in the present in space).

A newborn baby has passed through no months, and so cannot be expected to understand the cycle of the month. To an old person, a month is a relatively small unit of time, but to a baby a month is much or even most of his life. It is too much time for him to manage as a unit of time. Eventually, once he has evolved through enough months, he comes to realize that days can be combined into months. He becomes aware of the fourth dimension.

When a child becomes aware of the fourth dimension, he becomes aware of the unit of time of the month, which is much larger than the unit of the day. He organizes his time into larger units, the unit of the month. Now, as he sees objects in space, he will tend more to see a chicken (an object in space) as dinner (which it is not at the present time), for example, than as an object with white hair, a beak, etc. In other words, more of his awareness of the object in space is awareness that is related to his experience over time, not to his experience now. If a child learns to automatically approach and play with any dog that he encounters, he is reacting increasingly from his experience with the friendliness of dogs over time, and less with the possible friendliness of the dog in front of him now.

Homo Sapiens eventually reached a point in time when mankind looked up into the sky and noticed that the moon follows a cycle, the cycle of the month. As all cycles of nature follow the same pattern of interaction of Yang and Yin, mankind realized that woman follows a pattern of Yin, as symbolized by the moon, and that man follows a pattern of Yang, as symbolized by the sun.

To understand that ten months was the cycle of pregnancy was a major step in the evolution of Homo Sapiens. Mankind finally had a past that was long enough that it could be used to recognize longer cycles of nature, and had become aware of the five dimensional cycle of perpetuation, the cycle of the year.

After a baby has evolved through a number of years, only then is it possible for him to think in units of time of the year. How could a baby of ten months think in terms of a year, as he has had none? A one year old baby has had one year, but that is his entire life, not a manageable unit of time. As the child ages, as he passes through time, he develops an increasing relationship with time. A baby will not fantasize about ten years in the future. Neither will a five year old. As a human evolves through time, he is increasingly aware of that time, and so less of his awareness is awareness in space.

The more that a person has of a past, the more that his Yang will have evolved into Yin, the more of his space will have evolved through its time. A decreasing percentage of his awareness will be of space as it is here and now, and an increasing percentage of his awareness will be of time as it was there and then.

As a person ages, his awareness of each object that he sees in space is progressively influenced by his awareness of his past experiences. A child will tend to be more aware that a family visitor 'has ice cream' than that he 'looks honest', or some attribute that might have built up in an older person by experience over time with the visitor, experience over time with the word 'honest', etc. This awareness of time as people age reduces their awareness of space. Young people live more in the here and now. Older people have less awareness of the here and now, but have built up a greater awareness of what nature was like in their there and then, in their past.

As people evolve, as their Yang evolves into Yin, more of their motion through space evolves into motion through time. As people age, their metabolism slows, in harmony with their decrease in energy of motion in space. The less the motion through space, the less the awareness of space, and the less the tendency of a person to explore his surroundings, to think of ways to interact (or 'play') with new things in the environment (space), and the greater the tendency to be aware of things in the past.

3.2 Homo Sapiens: A Balance Of Yang And Yin

The life of each human being is an evolution. Life begins as a child, and then evolves to adulthood, and to each of the '5' stages of life. Each of these stages of life is important to each person. No one would think his life 'complete' if he had to skip an entire stage of life. During each stage in a person's life, there is a tendency for that person to think that the current stage is the best stage to be in life. It is also natural for some people to think that a stage of life other than the current one was or will be the best stage in life.

The species Homo Sapiens is recognized to be subdivided into a number of 'sub-species'. The evolution of mankind as a whole is similar to the evolution of the life of each person. Just as people pass through the various stages of life, mankind passes through the various sub-species of the life of the species Homo Sapiens. Just as people tend to think that the stage of life where they are now is the best stage, people tend to think that their own sub-species is somehow superior to the others.

How is the evolution of mankind as a whole similar to the evolution of each person? Evolution is change in space-time, or change in space as it passes through its time. The more motion through space (motion through space = Yang), the less motion through time (less motion through space = more stillness in space = Yin), and the less evolution. When each sub-species of Homo Sapiens left Africa, it went into motion through space, and so slowed its motion through time. Mankind in Africa has had the least motion through space (they are still in Africa) and so the most motion through time. Therefore, mankind in Africa is 'older', and more evolved, than the other sub-species of Homo Sapiens.

It is their greater age that has enabled the languages of mankind around the site of the homeland of Homo Sapiens in Africa, the Bantu languages, to evolve grammars that have been able to integrate each dimension of awareness with all earlier dimensions of awareness. It is the relative youth of the small groups that left Africa at an earlier time to invest energy in motion through space, and thus to form 'younger' sub-species, that has kept their languages from yet evolving to the same level of grammatical integration.

An older person is more evolved (older in time) than a younger person. Children like to be children, and there is great advantage to being a child. Adults like to be adults, and there is great advantage to being an adult. Children learn much from adults. Adults learn much from children. Just as people at each stage of life have much to offer to people at other stages of life, mankind at each stage of life, each of the sub-species of mankind, has much to offer to the other sub-species.

Throughout the generations, all sub-species of Homo Sapiens now pass through time at pretty much the same rate. However, they did not start out at the same 'time'. As groups of people migrated out of Africa to form each distinct sub-species, they went into long term motion through space (more Yang) before coming to their current homelands, which means that they are now younger (less Yin) than the people who remained in Africa or who had not left yet. Therefore, no two cultures on earth are at the same age. The grammar of each language reflects its current age.

The ancestors of the Chinese were part of the first sub-species to leave Africa, and so have the 'youngest', least evolved, least integrated grammar. The ancestors of the speakers of Bantu languages have traveled the least in space, and the Bantu languages have the 'oldest', most evolved, most integrated grammars.

There is beauty and there is power in diversity. The earth is a better place, a more evolved place, because of the range of genetic diversity that is present. No sub-species is 'better' than the others, and each would evolve less, not more, if it were completely isolated from the others.

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