Chapter 5 The Fifth Dimension: Perpetuation In A Volume

The fifth dimension is a Yang dimension, as '5' is an odd (Yang) number. In the '5'th dimension of awareness, mankind became aware that the cycles of nature perpetuate infinitely (Yang).

The cycle of nature that enabled mankind to become aware of the '5'th dimension was the cycle of the year.

Both time and space in the '5'th dimension of awareness can be symbolized by the geometric volume. The '5' (Yang) dimensional volume expands outward from the area. When mankind looked outward from the area of the ecliptic in his volume of space-time, he became aware of the yearly cycle of the sun.

Unlike the '4' dimensional cycle of the month, which is based on the moon, which is Yin, and so finite, and which appears to continue until it reaches the end, the yearly cycle of the sun, which is Yang, and so infinite, appears to continue without end. Each year evolves into the next throughout the life of each person.

When mankind became aware of the cycle of time of the year, the yearly cycle of the sun, he recognized that the cycles of nature are such cycles, and that each cycle of time and space can perpetuate itself infinitely.

Unlike in the Yin stage of the cycle of life, the '4'th (Yin) dimension, where mankind was aware of death (Yin), in the '5'th (Yang) dimension, the Yang stage of the cycle of life, mankind became aware that life perpetuates infinitely (Yang); the seed of man produces children, the seed of crops produces 'children', etc.

5.1 Language In The '5'th Dimension

In the '4'th dimension of awareness, there was awareness of interaction of an object with '1' object. In the '5'th dimension of awareness, this awareness of interaction with '1' (Yang) object ('1' clause) subdivided into awareness of interaction with '2' (Yin) objects ('2' clauses), non-simultaneously, at a 'different time and space'. When there is awareness of the interaction of an object with '2' objects at a different time and space, the interaction can perpetuate to an infinite number of objects, and the '5'th dimension of awareness is awareness of perpetuation among objects in nature.

Four dimensional nouns, such as 'friend', are 'subjective', as no two people of the same culture orient at the same time and in the same way to the area. However, there is still only '1' area, '1' surface, over which points can range. Five dimensional nouns range over a volume of space-time, such that it is not possible for '2' people to have '1' understanding of such nouns. Each person's orientation to the volume is different not only from the orientation of all other people, but each person's orientation is different over time relative to itself. The appropriateness of five dimensional nouns, with their 'uniqueness of meaning' over a volume of possibilities, must change at any given point in time. Five dimensional nouns are so abstract that they no longer symbolize the physical objects from which they were originally abstracted.

With four dimensional nouns such as 'friend', it is not possible for one person to know precisely to which point within the area of possibilities a speaker is referring. However, there are cultural guidelines. With five dimensional nouns, such as 'honor', it is not even possible to know precisely what attributes are included within the noun, as it corresponds to no physical object that any two people share in common. For each given person, just as for each culture, etc., these attributes are in a constant state of evolution (change).

Five dimensional adjectives also symbolize attributes that apply to '1' person at '1' point in time, which other people cannot understand well because the adjectives cannot apply to them in the same way (whatever way that is) at the same time (and it applies only for that '1' time). An example is the adjective 'happy'. Each person has a personal understanding of 'happy', each person's understanding is incomplete (it emphasizes many unconscious personal feelings), and each person cannot understand what another person feels when that person claims to be 'happy'. Even though a person might have a general idea of how a person who is 'happy' feels, he cannot feel that feeling of the other person himself as part of his understanding of the word. A person who is 'happy' might feel in a way that another person might personally consider to be 'sad', for example, and a person who is 'happy' now cannot feel exactly the same way that he felt the last time that he used the word 'happy'.

Awareness of the five dimensional cycles of the sun and the stars enabled mankind to become aware of many new grammatical forms.

In the '5'th dimension of awareness, mankind developed the '5'th type of word in language, the '5' dimensional '(indirect object) transitive verb'. Indirect object transitive verbs symbolize the interaction of '2' (or more) areas in a volume of space-time.

Five dimensional transitive verbs enable expression of the perpetuation of the interaction of an object with another object forward to a third object in a volume of space-time. Five dimensional transitive verbs combine two (or more) four dimensional clauses, in the form of a five dimensional clause, in order to express the interaction of a noun with two (or more) other nouns in a volume of space-time. An example of the five dimensional type of word, an 'indirect object transitive verb', that is used in the expression of the perpetuation of the interaction of the noun 'Joe' with the noun 'bird' and the noun 'Bill' in a volume is the five dimensional clause 'Joe gives bird to Bill'. The interaction is perpetuated, because the interaction of 'Joe' with 'bird' at one area in time and space perpetuates to another area in time and space where and when 'Joe' interacts with 'Bill'.

In the '5'th dimension of awareness, language developed another unit of meaning. The five dimensional unit of meaning is the 'conjuncted clause'. In the fourth dimension of awareness, there was awareness of the 'area'. In the fifth dimension of awareness, there was also awareness of the 'volume'. Four dimensional areas can perpetuate interaction in a five dimensional volume. The clauses 'Joe hits Bill' and 'Joe eats bird' are examples of 'clauses', the four dimensional unit of meaning. The five dimensional clause 'while Joe hits Bill, Joe eats bird' is an example of two areas that are perpetuating an interaction in a volume. The interaction is perpetuated, because the interaction of 'Joe' with 'Bill' at one area in time and space perpetuates to another area in space where 'Joe' interacts with 'bird'.

How does the fifth dimension symbolize perpetuation of language? Five dimensional indirect object transitive verbs can be used to perpetuate the number of objects within a clause 'infinitely'. An example is the clause 'Joe writes a letter to Bill with a pencil for Sam for money', etc. Five dimensional conjunctions enable clauses to interact with other clauses 'perpetually'. An example is 'Joe ate lunch while Sam told Bill to go back to the office, because Mike was not at work, since lunch time was already over and Bill must be at the office when Mike is not, or no work will get done if no one is there', etc.

The English language is unusual in that it has a set of three different words, each of which relates to one of the geometric dimensions of space. These words are 'at', 'on', and 'in'. For example, given a row of houses on a street (a segment), English speakers say 'at' Joe's house. This street is only one of many streets 'on' a map (an area). The city is not all on ground level, though, as people can go upstairs, etc., and so a city occupies a volume of space. Therefore, Joe lives 'in' the city. These same words that are used to identify these dimensions of space are used to identify the equivalent dimensions of time, as space and time are conceptualized in the same manner. A day is like a segment of time that is marked off into hours, and events happen 'at' 7:00. The month is like an area of days, and events happen 'on' Monday, or 'on' the first of the month. The year is like a volume of months, and events happen 'in' 1998. (Figure 5.1-1)

Figure 5.1-1

5.2 Introduction To English In The '5'th Dimension

Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, as the number '3' (each finger has '3' bones) symbolizes awareness of the fourth dimension, the number '4' (each hand has '4' fingers) came to symbolize the awareness of the fifth dimension, which integrates all of the cycles of time and space in nature, allowing them to interact perpetually. The cycle of time that enabled mankind to become aware of the fifth dimension was the yearly cycle of the sun. The number '4' came to symbolize awareness of the '5' dimensional cycle of the sun. As this is a Yang cycle, based on the sun, it is considered infinite, and to have no beginning and no end. The number '4' in English therefore symbolizes the '5'th stage in the cycle of the universe, the end that rejoins the beginning, ensuring infinite cycles of time and space. When mankind became aware of the '5' dimensional cycle of the sun, he could integrate the cycle of the day, the cycle of the month, and the cycle of the year into one integrated, 'infinite' cycle of time. Mankind could also now count an 'infinite' cycle of numbers.

As the English language orients to the world in terms of '4' dimensions, it is 'natural' that all 'infinite' cycles of time and space be recognized in terms of a '4' stage cycle of interrelating distinctions. For example, to the ancient Greeks, all of the primary cycles of time were recognized as existing in a cycle of '4' stages. The day was subdivided into '4' hours, the month was subdivided into '4' weeks, and the year was subdivided into '4' seasons.

In the same way as time, the English language recognizes the cycles of space to establish a world where things exist in '4' dimensions; the point, the segment, the area, and the volume. (The four dimensions are known in English as the 'zero', 'first', 'second', and 'third' dimensions.) The entire known volume of space, the world, was naturally recognized to consist of '4' directions, north, south, east, and west.

This pattern of '4' was recognized as the number of stages in the integrated, infinite cycles of all relationships of nature. For example, there were recognized to exist '4' conditions of weather (hot, cold, wet, dry), and '4' tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter), etc. There were recognized to exist '4' 'elements', or building blocks of matter (air, earth, fire, water). Each of these elements symbolizes one of the '4' recognized states of matter (air = gas, earth = solid, fire = energy, water = liquid). Even today, there are recognized to exist '4' 'forces' of nature (the gravitational, electro-magnetic, 'strong', and 'weak' forces). And so on.

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